MLC Alapati Rajendra Prasad expresses happy over success
Newly elected MLC Rajendra Prasad reacted on his victory and expressed happy. He says “ I attribute this victory to the support of 244,00 voters across 33 constituencies. It is significant that 40 percent of those who contributed to my success exercised their right to vote for the first time.
I am pleased to see that middle-aged voters were more engaged in this election. I believe that graduates will deliver a lesson to the opponents who made false allegations against me. During the five years of YCP governance, we have transformed a situation where there was fear of establishing industries into one where industries are being set up successfully.
However, it is a well-known fact that the YCP has completely undermined the education system. When we were in power previously as ministers, we prioritized good governance over petty politics. The current YCP government has failed to deliver social justice to teachers and has not afforded them the respect they deserve. The political divisions within universities, exacerbated by the YCP's missteps, have led to widespread destruction.
The opposition parties are attempting to navigate this situation quietly, but that is not feasible. I will voice these concerns in the Legislative Council. YSRCP leaders are making empty promises regarding the Education Minister, but they will eventually face consequences for their actions.
It is concerning that there are 27,000 graduates who remain invalid voters. I want to emphasize that in politics, positions are not what matter most; rather, public service is what is truly important”.