Former India wrestler Vinesh Phogat on Friday resigned from the Indian Railways citing personal reasons amid speculation that she would be joining the Congress party. “Serving Indian Railways has been a memorable and proud time of my life,” she posted on X with a picture of her resignation letter. She was employed as an Officer on Special Duty (OSD) with Northern Railways.
“At this point in my life, I have decided to separate myself from the railway service and have submitted my resignation to the competent authorities of the Indian Railways,” said the wrestler who met Congress leader Rahul Gandhi earlier this week, leading to widespread speculation of her joining the party and contesting the Haryana assembly elections next month.
“I will always be grateful to the Indian Railway family for this opportunity given to me by the Railways in the service of the nation,” she added. The 30-year-old had quit wrestling following her disqualification from the 50kg gold medal match in the Paris Olympics for being overweight by 100 grams ahead of the final.
She had appealed against the decision which was rejected by the Court of Arbitration for Sport. In her resignation letter, Vinesh cited personal reasons for resigning. “It is requested that I, Vinesh, w/o Sh. Somvir Rathi at present is working as OSD/Sports Northern – Railway in Level – 7,” Vinesh wrote in her resignation letter addressed to the general manager Northern Railways.
“Sir, keeping in view of my family circumstances/personal reasons, I am unable to perform my duties as OSD/sports. Therefore without any pressure, I wish to tender my resignation,” she said. Vinesh requested for her resignation to be accepted with immediate effect. “It is kindly requested that my resignation with immediate effect may be accepted from Northern Railway. One month salary will be deposited in lieu of my one month notice period,” she added.
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