Prashant Varma, the director of the hit film Hanuman, has been making waves in the Tollywood industry. His previous film, featuring young hero Teja Sajja, was a surprise success, garnering attention for its impressive visual effects. Fans are eagerly anticipating the second part of Hanuman and speculating about the cast.
There have been rumors that Nandamuri Balakrishna’s son, Mokshajna, will be making his film debut under Prashant Varma’s direction. Recently, Prashant Varma hinted at a new project on social media, leading to speculation that it could be a film featuring Mokshajna, possibly titled “Simba.” However, the full details of this project are still unknown.
Prashant Varma has teased an announcement tomorrow morning at 10:36, leaving fans excited and speculating about Mokshajna’s potential involvement in the project. We’ll have to wait until tomorrow for more clarity.
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