Union Minister Giriraj Singh targeted the Leader of Opposition (LoP) in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi on Sunday over his upcoming three-day trip to the US from September 8 and stated that the Congress leader is a “foreigner” at heart, which is why he prefers going on foreign trips. Addressing reporters in Bihar’s Begusarai, Giriraj Singh remarked, “Rahul Gandhi is a foreigner, and that is why he likes to go on foreign trips. He does not like to stay in India. He creates a ruckus in the country and then embarks on his foreign trip.” This will be Rahul Gandhi’s first visit abroad as the LoP in the Lower House of Parliament.
His itinerary includes stops in Dallas, Texas on September 8, and Washington, DC, on September 9 and 10. Sam Pitroda, chief of the Indian Overseas Congress (IOC), mentioned that the Indian diaspora, including NRI residents, technocrats, business leaders, students, the media, and even political leaders, are eager to welcome the Congress MP and look forward to interacting with him. Pitroda also said that he was ‘bombarded’ with questions about Rahul Gandhi’s US visit from various quarters, and his video message was apparently to inform them about the Congress leader’s short but highly anticipated trip to the US.
In response to this, Giriraj Singh mockingly suggested, “There would be no problem if his name is changed to ‘foreigner’.” Regarding the upcoming Jammu and Kashmir Assembly elections, the Union Minister slammed Rahul Gandhi, National Conference (NC) Vice President Farooq Abdullah and PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti for their dynastic politics. He also highlighted that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had promised to conduct these elections, which are now being organised.
He added, “A democratic announcement of elections has been made in J&K. Till now, the dynastic politics played by the Congress party, Farooq Abdullah, or the Muftis, have exploited the poor in Kashmir. On the other hand, PM Modi established democracy by conducting Panchayat elections, and now Assembly elections are being held.”