Pranitha Subhash, the talented actress who won the hearts of Telugu audiences with films like ‘Attarintiki Daredi’ and ‘Rabhasa’, has some wonderful news to share with her fans. She has been blessed with a second baby boy!
The actress took to social media to announce the arrival of her newborn, sharing a heartwarming photo of herself and her husband, Nitin Raju, holding their precious bundle of joy in their arms.
Pranitha captioned the photo, “Let the adventure begin! It’s been a few days since our baby boy arrived and it’s been the most hectic yet magical few days of my life .. ✨”
The couple is undoubtedly over the moon with the addition of their second child to their family.
Pranitha was last seen on the Tollywood big screen in the 2019 Telugu film ‘N.T. R.: Kathanayakudu’. While fans are eagerly awaiting her return to acting, for now, the actress is undoubtedly enjoying the precious moments with her growing family.
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