Minister Kondapalli Srinivas announced that the old age, widow and other pensions will be given on the 31st of this month as September 1 falls on a Sunday. Speaking at a press conference held at the Telugu Desam Party’s national office in Mangalagiri on Thursday… The order of pension on the 1st came on Sunday. It is the duty of the government to ensure that the pensioners are not inconvenienced.
Since Sunday is a holiday for government employees, Chief Minister Chandrababu has suggested that instead of postponing the pension distribution, it should be given a day earlier on Saturday 31st. So pension will be given on 31st of this month. If any one does not take pension on 31st, he will be given pension on 2nd. All pensioners should note this. Pensioners should try to draw pension on 31st. Otherwise, there is a possibility of taking pension on the 2nd date. On 31st, there are circumstances of taking pension on 2nd.
The pensioners should be given the opportunity to draw their pension on one of these two days. Try to take pension on 31st as much as possible. In the future also, if the 1st falls on a Sunday, the government will provide an opportunity to give the pension on the 31st. So currently pension can be taken anytime on 31st or 2nd. Many people from all over the state have brought many issues to our attention in the daily grievance program at the Telugu Desam Party office.
As part of this, we have also received applications on some revenue issues. We are working hard to solve the problems raised in grievances immediately. Applications are also coming on various issues. Minister Kondapalli Srinivas explained that they are trying to solve them by talking to the officials of the concerned departments