Vigilance officials have issued notices to all former chairmen and executive officers of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) who served during the previous YSR Congress regime, following allegations of massive irregularities within the organization. Among those who have received notices are former chairmen Bhumana Karunakar Reddy and Y V Subba Reddy, as well as former executive officers Dharma Reddy and Jawahar Reddy, who also served as the chief secretary of Andhra Pradesh.
The officials have been asked to provide explanations concerning various transactions and administrative decisions made during their respective tenures. The vigilance inquiry, which has been ongoing for the past two months, is meticulously examining transactions across multiple departments within the TTD. Officials are scrutinizing alleged violations of established protocols, questionable expenditures, and other procedural discrepancies that are said to have occurred during the previous government’s tenure.
One of the primary focuses of the investigation is the substantial financial allocations made for various projects. Traditionally, the TTD allocates approximately Rs 300 crore annually for engineering works. However, recent allocations have raised eyebrows, including Rs 420 crore earmarked for the construction and renovation of Govindarajaswamy satras and an additional Rs 77 crore for swimming pools, roads, and other infrastructure projects across different parts of Tirupati. There are allegations that significant sums have exchanged hands improperly during the tendering processes for these projects.
In light of these claims, vigilance officials and chief statistical officer Balaji have sought detailed explanations regarding the justification and utilization of these funds. Questions have also been raised about the mechanisms in place to prevent financial mismanagement within the TTD and whether adequate measures were taken to ensure transparency and accountability. The responses from the former officials are expected to shed light on the decision-making processes and financial management practices during their administrations. The vigilance department has stated that further action will be determined based on the explanations provided and the findings of the ongoing probe.
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