Nara Lokesh, the Minister of IT and Human Resources and National General Secretary of Telugu Desam Party, is set to attend the cross-examination in a witness defamation case. The case is related to a false story published in Sakshi titled ‘China Babu Chirutindi..25 lakhs’.
The cross-examination will take place at the 12th Additional District Court of Visakhapatnam on the 29th of this month. Nara Lokesh has been fighting a legal battle against the publication, which he claims was intended to damage his reputation with falsehoods. The case began in 2019 when Sakshi published a story filled with lies and fiction, prompting Nara Lokesh to file a defamation suit.
The case had been adjourned for several days due to various reasons and will now resume with the cross-examination of Minister Nara Lokesh. The defamation suit was filed against a witness for Rs. 75 crore as the witness did not respond to the allegations. Nara Lokesh is determined to attend the adjournment in this defamation case against Sakshi magazine on the 29th of this month.
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