Koo Bids Farewell: Co-Founders Announce Shutdown Amid Financial Struggles

Social media platform Koo, which once positioned itself as a rival and viable alternative to Twitter, is shutting down. Its co-founders, Aprameya Radhakrishna and Mayank Bidawatka, announced the decision in a LinkedIn post. They explained that despite attempting partnerships with larger internet companies, conglomerates, and media houses, the desired outcomes were not achieved. The co-founders expressed disappointment at having to discontinue the platform, citing the high costs of technology services required to keep the app running. At its peak, Koo had about 2.1 million daily active users, 10 million monthly active users, and over 9,000 VIPs. The co-founders lamented that they were close to surpassing Twitter in India in 2022 and could have capitalized on this momentum with adequate funding. However, a funding downturn hampered their plans, leading them to “tone down” their growth trajectory. The co-founders concluded their announcement with a reference to Koo’s logo, stating that “the little yellow bird says its final goodbye.”

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