CM Chandrababu Naidu’s review of the situation in Andhra Pradesh: Heavy rains are currently affecting Andhra Pradesh due to low pressure in the Bay of Bengal. In response, CM Chandrababu Naidu conducted a teleconference with various officials to assess the impact of the heavy rains and floods in the state. During the review, the Chief Minister evaluated the current situation in different districts and the measures being taken by relevant authorities. He emphasized the importance of real-time response using drones and CCTV cameras, immediate action on appeals received through media and social platforms, and assessment of crop damage once the flood recedes.
Chandrababu Naidu also addressed the issue of flooding in residential areas and directed officials to focus on areas experiencing significant rainfall. He highlighted the unprecedented nature of the rainfall, noting that it hasn’t rained like this in the last 50 years, and emphasized the need for coordinated efforts to address the challenges posed by the floods, including potential contamination of food and water. The Chief Minister also instructed officials to set up medical camps, ensure sanitation measures, and coordinate relief efforts. Additionally, he advised officials to collaborate with other departments, such as irrigation, to address the impact of the floods in various areas.
He stressed the importance of providing immediate assistance to farmers and affected families. The review also included discussions on the expected flow of water from the Prakasam barrage, relocation of people in vulnerable areas, and assistance to passengers affected by train stoppages due to flooding. Chandrababu Naidu urged for comprehensive damage assessment to be sent to the central government and emphasized the importance of rebuilding trust and confidence through effective governance. Overall, the review highlighted the urgent need for coordinated response efforts to address the challenges posed by heavy rainfall and flooding in Andhra Pradesh.