Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan has reported extensive damage across the State due to the recent heavy rains. Addressing the media, Pawan Kalyan detailed the significant impact on infrastructure, agriculture, and the livelihoods of fishermen. He revealed that 3,312 kilometers of roads have been washed away, severely affecting the State’s transportation network.
The Roads and Buildings Department has suffered substantial losses as a result of the flooding. Additionally, farmers have been hit hard, with crops on 1.69 lakh acres being destroyed due to waterlogging. Horticultural crops spanning 18,424 hectares have also been damaged.
Pawan Kalyan further disclosed that the Panchayati Raj engineering department has reported complete damage to 233 kilometers of rural roads. The flooding has also taken a toll on the fishing community, with around 60 boats belonging to fishermen being damaged.
He emphasized the government’s commitment to providing relief and support to those affected by the floods. He assured that efforts are underway to assess the full extent of the damage and to expedite the necessary repair and rehabilitation work across the State.
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