Gautam Adani, chairman of the Adani Group, has emerged as the richest Indian, overtaking Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani, according to the 2024 Hurun India Rich List. Adani’s net worth surged by an impressive 95 per cent over the past year, reaching Rs 11.6 lakh crore, catapulting him to the top of the list. In contrast, Mukesh Ambani’s wealth grew by 25 percent to Rs 10.14 lakh crore, placing him second on the list.
This marks a significant shift from the 2023 report, where Adani’s net worth had fallen by 57 percent to Rs 4.74 lakh crore due to the impact of allegations made by US-based short-seller Hindenburg Research. Despite the controversy, which Adani has consistently denied, his fortunes have dramatically rebounded. Adani’s rise to the top is particularly notable given his position in the 2020 Hurun India Rich List, where he ranked fourth. The dramatic 95per cent increase in his wealth over the last year reflects the rapid expansion and success of the Adani Group across various sectors in recent years.