Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has voiced concerns regarding the legitimacy of the permissions claimed for the BRS working president K Taraka Rama Rao (KTR) farm house, amidst the ongoing demolition drive in Hyderabad. The Chief Minister pointed out that while there are claims of having obtained permission from the village Sarpanch, no formal authorization for the construction of farm houses has been provided by the official.
The Chief Minister also stressed that BRS MLAs who have encroached upon ponds and canals or built illegal structures over the past decade should be suspended from the party by BRS President K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR). Addressing the media on Wednesday, Revanth Reddy tackled the political controversy surrounding the HYDRA-led demolition efforts in the city. He affirmed that the demolitions are conducted solely for public interest and emphasized that HYDRA will persist in its actions.
Reddy made it clear that his commitment to protecting water bodies and other crucial infrastructure remains steadfast, regardless of political affiliations. “HYDRA is dedicated to addressing illegal constructions within Hyderabad,” CM said. “Our main focus is on violations related to Full Tank Level (FTL), buffer zones, ponds, and canals. We will continue to take action against non-compliant buildings.” He also highlighted that the demolition drive initially targeted properties linked to Congress leader Pallam Raju.