Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has raised doubts about the swift bail granted to BRS MLC K. Kavitha in the Delhi liquor scam, questioning why her release came in just five months, unlike AAP leader Manish Sisodia, who faced a 15-month delay, or Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who is still awaiting bail. Reddy suggested that Kavitha’s rapid release might be due to her perceived support from the BJP and criticized the BRS for allegedly working in favor of the BJP during the general elections.
He further claimed that Kavitha’s bail was part of an agreement between the BJP and BRS. During a media briefing on Wednesday, Chief Minister Reddy also addressed the ongoing demolition drive led by the Hyderabad Development Authority (HYDRA). He criticized the claims regarding permissions for KTR Farm House, stating that while the Sarpanch’s approval was cited, no official authorization was granted for such structures.
Reddy called for the suspension of BRS MLAs involved in illegal constructions and encroachments over the past decade, emphasizing his administration’s commitment to enforcing regulations. Revanth Reddy drew a comparison between himself and BRS Chief K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR), asserting that as Chief Minister, he has a broader responsibility beyond local issues.
He asked KCR, as the Leader of the Opposition, to actively engage in public issues as he was utilizing government systems and reciving salary. The CM dismissed any connections between the Valmiki scam in Karnataka and Telangana, though he implied possible links between BRS leaders and the scandal. Additionally, Reddy criticized some BRS leaders for alleged involvement in drug-related activities in Bangalore.