Chandrababu and Lokesh are taking the incident of hidden cameras in the college seriously. They have ordered an investigation. CM Chandrababu and Education and IT Minister Nara Lokesh are deeply concerned about the installation of hidden cameras in the washrooms of Gudlavalleru Engineering College students’ hostel. The CM has ordered a full-scale investigation and immediate inquiry into the issue. Minister Kollu Ravindra, along with the District Collector and SP, have been directed to visit the site of the incident.
Nara Lokesh has also expressed his anger over the incident. Authorities have been asked for details about the protest of the girl students at Gudlavalleru Engineering College in Krishna District. Instructions have been given to take strict action against the guilty and those responsible if a mistake is found in the investigation. Furthermore, higher authorities have been instructed to take steps to prevent such incidents from recurring in colleges, emphasizing the need for early action to prevent ragging and harassment. The police are focusing on the issue of hidden cameras in Gudlavalleru Engineering College and have registered a case regarding the incident that occurred at the college.
However, the police report that they have not found any hidden cameras in the girls’ hostel. The accused individuals’ laptops, mobile phones, and other electronic gadgets were inspected in the presence of the students and college staff. The police assured the girls that there is no need to worry about this issue and that those responsible will be identified and face strict action. The incident of hidden cameras in Gudlavalleru Engineering College has caused confusion across the state.
Students protested in the middle of the night, claiming that hidden cameras were placed in the girls’ hostel washrooms. The agitation continued until 3:30 am, during which students accused a final year BTech student of selling videos from the cameras and attempted to attack them. Upon police intervention, the agitation was dispersed. Many students are accusing the final year student of setting up the cameras with the help of another student.