There have been recent developments in the case involving actor Raj Tarun and Lavanya. It has been reported that Lavanya has expressed her desire to be with Raj Tarun, while the police have named Raj Tarun as the accused in the case. According to the police, Raj Tarun and Lavanya had been living together for a period of ten years.
A charge sheet has been filed by the police, in which Raj Tarun has been listed as an accused party, stating that he had been cohabiting with Lavanya for a decade. The police have also mentioned that there is substance to Lavanya’s claims, as they have obtained evidence from her residence.
Raj Tarun has already obtained anticipatory bail in this case. However, Lavanya has shared her perspective on these recent developments with ABN, expressing her belief that justice will prevail. She has stated that she does not want to take action against Raj Tarun, but rather seeks justice. Lavanya has confirmed the length of her relationship with Raj Tarun and has provided evidence to the police.
She has also alleged that Raj Tarun intended to end their relationship due to his involvement with actress Malvi Malhotra. Lavanya has claimed that there are attempts to manipulate the circumstances of the case and has provided evidence of an affair between Raj Tarun and Malvi Malhotra to the police.
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