Today, a Bhumi Puja ceremony was held to lay the foundation for the installation of the statue of Mother Telangana at the Secretariat premises. The event was attended by Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, as well as various ministers, MPs, MLAs, and MLCs.
The government has planned to erect the statue near the main entrance of the Secretariat building, and the Bhumi Puja was conducted accordingly. Revanth has announced that the inauguration of the Telangana Mother statue will take place on December 9. As part of this, a Bhumi Puja ceremony was performed today to initiate the installation of the idol. During the ceremony, Revanth Reddy emphasized the significance of the day for installing the Telangana Mother statue.
He highlighted the long-standing negligence towards the mother of Telangana since the past decade, and mentioned the assurance given by Sonia Gandhi in 2004 in Karimnagar. He criticized the previous authorities for neglecting the Telangana mother and underlining their importance.
He also expressed disappointment that despite spending large sums on the Secretariat, the statue of Telangana mother could not be installed after allocating a mere crore rupees for the purpose. He also expressed plans to erect the statue of Rajiv Gandhi, who sacrificed his life for the nation, in front of the Secretariat. Revanth asserted the importance of the Telangana mother as a symbol of struggle and inspiration, emphasizing that she should not be confined within the fortress of the elite.
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