Assembly Andhra Pradesh
<% catList.forEach(function(cat){ %> <%= cat.label %> <% }); %>
<%- node_title %>
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By <%= createdBy.user_fullname %>
<%= node_description %>
<% } %> Read More... <%- node_title %>
Published On
By <%= createdBy.user_fullname %>
<% if(node_description!==false) { %> <%= node_description %>
<% } %> <% catList.forEach(function(cat){ %> <%= cat.label %> <% }); %>
Read More... Finally, AP Assembly Is Free From “Boothulu”
Published On
By The Capital
One of the many complaints against the bygone YCP government was the gross mishandling of the assembly sessions.
Read More... AP Assembly Sessions: Starting Tomorrow!
Published On
By The Capital
The Andhra Pradesh Assembly sessions will commence tomorrow, November 11. The state government is set to present the annual budget at 10 AM on Monday.