TDP office attack case: The Andhra Pradesh High Court on Wednesday rejected the anticipatory bail plea of YSRCP leaders in connection with attack on TDP central office case. The leaders like MLCs Talasila Raghuram, Appireddy, former minister Jogi Ramesh and youth leader Devineni Avinash are in the list.
The YSRCP leaders who sought anticipatory bail in the cases of the attack on the TDP central office and Chandrababu’s residence faced a setback when the High Court refused to grant them bail. The YSRCP leaders requested the High Court ( TDP office attack case ) to suspend the orders for two weeks, but the court declined.
The cases stem from an incident in which YCP mobs attacked the TDP central office in Mangalagiri on October 19, 2021. The police registered a case( TDP office attack case ) (Crime No. 650/2021) with multiple sections of the Indian Penal Code involved. The police investigation has identified a total of 106 people involved in the attack on the TDP office, with 21 arrests made and the rest issued notices.
Notably, notices were sent to MLC Lella Appireddy, YCP leader Devineni Avinash, Arava Satyam, and a news channel reporter. The YCP leaders’ request for anticipatory bail was denied by the High Court, and the final order was set to be given in the afternoon.
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