Complaint with House Privileges Committee against opposition : Manohar

Complaint with House Privileges Committee against opposition : Manohar

Civil Supplies Minister Nadendla Manohar has urged that a complaint be filed with the House Privileges Committee against the conduct of opposition members in the Legislative Assembly. Speaking in the Assembly on Wednesday, Manohar accused the opposition of violating the dignity of the House and spreading misinformation to mislead the public.

He condemned their actions, stating that all members have a responsibility to uphold the integrity of the legislature. He defended the Speaker’s rulings, asserting that they were completely justified, and called for a thorough investigation by the Privileges Committee.

He warned that the opposition’s misuse of legislative rules and baseless allegations were detrimental to the state's progress. "If we want to recover from the economic crisis and put Andhra Pradesh back on the path of development, all members must work together," Manohar said, cautioning that public rejection awaits those who obstruct progress. 
