A Great Thinker - Swami Vivekananda

A Great Thinker - Swami Vivekananda

At a time when Western powers were despising India as the home for barbarians, Swami Vivekananda

At a time when Western powers were despising India as the home for barbarians, Swami Vivekananda was a brave monk who proclaimed the glory of Hinduism and Bharat's culture in America. He was a devoted disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Vivekananda was an embodiment of sacrifice, and he dedicated his life to the noble cause of our motherland. He worked for the upliftment of the unfortunate, helpless and downtrodden people.
The message of this great thinker and doer awakened and energized Indians who were lying dormant under British rule. He will remain an inspiration for generations to come! His love for Bharat increased manifold after his trip abroad. He stated thus:"Before going to America and England, I loved my motherland deeply, but after returning from there, every speck of dust on this land appeared sacred to me" He swam to a rock in the sea in Kanyakumari, sat on it, and contemplated about the conditions prevailing in India.
The sad realities of poverty and slavery that were afflicting the people of this country made him spring to constructive action to eradicate it .He felt that his countrymen would not be liberated unless the caste system was eradicated. On September 11, 1893, thousands of representatives from different countries came to the World Congress of Religions in Chicago, America. The youngest of them all was Vivekananda. He began his famous address thus: "Brothers and sisters of America!" As soon as he began his speech in a soft voice, the audience erupted in applause.
The applause continued for three minutes! He said that just as rivers born in different places eventually join the ocean, so too, people born in different religions will eventually reach the same God. He opined that no religion is neither greater nor inferior to another. He spoke in detail about the greatness of Indian culture, its history, sociology, philosophy, literature, etc. He would vehemently condemn the convoluted propaganda being carried out by Christian missionaries in India. Until then, Americans had considered Indians to be ignorant and superstitious. Witg Swamiji's continuous efforts, India's flag of honor rose to a whole new level.
He started the Sri Ramakrishna Mission in 1897 and formulated its ideology and goals. Even though Swami Vivekananda is no longer with us, his words are still resonating within us. His message continues to inspire millions of fellow countrymen. Swami Vivekananda was born on 12th January 1863 and passed away on 4th July 192. (On the occasion of Vivekananda Jayanti - National Youth Day) 